Serve the Church


Serve the Church

We believe a healthy church is one in which every member uses their gifts in loving service toward others (1 Cor. 12:12-27).

Here are a few ways people can serve, both on Sundays and outside of Sundays: prayer team, children’s ministry team, music team, audio/visual team, finance team, hospitality team (greeting, setup and cleanup).

Please contact Pastor Matt Owens to volunteer or find out more.

Benevolence Fund

In addition to regular tithes and offerings, many churches have something called a deacon’s fund or benevolence fund. The idea is that this is a fund specifically designated those in our community (or connected to our community) who are in need of help. This has biblical roots (see Acts 2:45 and 4:32-37). The early church was extremely generous and self-sacrificing to help out the needy among them.  Given the economic toll that the COVID-19 has created for so many during this time, we wanted to establish a benevolence fund connected to CTR Quincy immediately in order to help those in need. GIVE TO THE BENEVOLENCE FUND BY CLICKING HERE.